Examination Routines 2080

Level / Description Published On
Amended Notice regarding Revised Practical Exam Centers and Theory Exam Time for Various PG Programs Regular exam 2081 2080/12/21
Routine of Bachelor of Midwifery Science (BMS) 2nd Semester Regular Exam 2081 2080/12/20
Practical Routine of B.Sc.MLT 1st Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of B.Pharmacy 1st Year (New Course) Regular and Supplementary Exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of BAMS 1st Phase Regular Exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of MBBS & BDS 1st Year regular and supplementary exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of BNS & B.Sc.Nursing 1st Year regular and supplementary exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of BASLP 1st Year regular and supplementary exam 2081 2080/12/12
Practical Routine of B.Sc.MIT 1st Year regular and supplementary exam 2081 2080/12/12
Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 5th and Final Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2081 2080/12/09
Routine of BDS 4th Year 2nd Phase Regular and Supplementary Exam 2081 2080/12/09
Routine of Bachelor 4th Year various programs regular and supplementary Exam 2081 2080/12/09
Routine of B.Sc.MIT 4th Year regular and supplementary practical Exam 2081 2080/12/09
Routine & Exam Center Notice of MD Community Medicine & MD Emergency Medicine 1st Year (1st & 2nd Semester) Regular Exam 2081 2080/11/22
Amendment Routine of PG First year various programs regular Exam 2081 2080/11/22
Routine of Bachelor 2nd Year various programs practical Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/11/13
Routine of B. Sc. Nursing (Mid Wifery) 2nd Semester Regular Examination 2080/11/10
Routine of Bachelors Level 1st Year Various Programs Regular and Supplementary Examination 2080/11/10
Practical Exam Routine of MBBS 2nd Phase and BDS 3rd Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/11/04
Routine of Post Graduate Level First and Second Year Regular Examination 2081 2080/10/19
Practical Exam Routine of BDS 1st Year Maharahgunj Medical Campus supplementary Exam 2080 2080/10/12
Routine of Bachelor 2nd Year various programs supplementary Exam 2080 2080/10/10
Routine of B.Pharmacy 1st Year practical exam of Maharajgunj Medical Campus Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/10/10
Practical Exam Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 4th Year and BDS 4th Year 1st Phase supplementary Exam 2080 2080/10/04
Routine of MN Critical Care 2nd Semester Regular exam 2080 2080/10/02
Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 4th Year and BDS 4th Year 1st Phase Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/09/19
Routine of MBBS 2nd Phase 3rd Year and BDS 3rd Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/09/19
Routine of BAMS 2nd Prof. supplementary Exam 2080 2080/09/19
Routine of Bachelor 1st Year Supplementary Theory Exam 2080 2080/09/11
Practical Exam Routine of MBBS and BDS 2nd Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/08/08
Amendment Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase Fifth Year Supplementary Practical Exam of Chitwan Medical College (CMC) 2080/08/04
Routine of MBBS and BDS 2nd Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/08/01
Practical Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 5th Year supplementary Exam 2080 2080/07/20
Practical Routine of BDS 4th Year 2nd Phase supplementary Exam 2080 2080/07/20
Practical Exam Routine of B.Sc.MLT 4th Year supplementary Exam 2080 2080/07/16
Routine of PG-level programs for Final year Regular and Supplementary Exams in 2081 2080/07/13
MBBS 3rd Phase 5th Year Old Course Supplementary Examination Routine 2080 2080/06/24
BDS 4th Year 2nd Phase Supplementary Examination Routine 2080 2080/06/24
Routine of 3rd Year various bachelors programs supplementary examination 2080 2080/05/11
Routine of BAMS 3rd Phase Professional Regular Examination 2080 2080/05/11
Routine of MS Orthopedics First Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/08
Amended Theory Exam Time for BDS 4th Year 1st Phase Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/06
Practical Exam Routine of B.Pharmacy 4th Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/06
Practical Routine of MBBS & BDS 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Practical Routine of B.Sc.Nursing & BNS 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Practical Routine of BPH 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Practical Routine of B.Sc.MLT 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Practical Routine of B.Sc.MIT 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Practical Routine of BASLP 2nd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/05
Routine of Bachelor 4th Year various programs supplementary Exam 2080 2080/05/03
Routine of Bachelor 2nd Year various programs Regular Exam 2080 2080/04/23
Routine of MCh and Masters level various programs Final year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/04/18
Amendment Routine of B.Sc.Nursing and BNS 1st Year Regular Practical Exam 2080 2080/03/03
Practical Exam Routine of BAMS 1st Phase regular Exam 2080 2080/02/31
Practical Exam Routine of BAMS 2nd Prof. regular and supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/31
Practical Exam Routine of B.Sc.MIT 1st Year regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/31
Practical Exam Routine of BASLP 1st Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/31
Practical Exam Routine of B.Pharmacy 1st Year (New Course)Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/31
Practical Exam Routine of B.Sc.Nursing & BNS 1st Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/30
Practical Exam Routine of B.Sc.MLT 1st Year Regular exam 2080 2080/02/30
Practical Exam Routine of MBBS & BDS 1st Year Regular Exam 2080 2080/02/29
Practical Exam Routine of BASLP 3rd Year Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/02/04
Practical Exam Routine of MD Radiodiagnosis 1st Year 2080 2080/02/01
Routine of BAMS 2nd Prof Regular and Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/01/31
Practical Exam Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 5th Year and Final Year 2080 2080/01/27
Practical Exam Routine of BDS 4th Year 2nd Phase 2080 2080/01/27
Practical Routine of BNS 3rd Year Regular and supplementary Exam 2080. (for Chitwan Medical College & Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences) 2080/01/27
Routine of PCL Nursing 2nd Year Supplementary Exam 2080 2080/01/20
Routine of Bachelor 1st Year Various Programs Regular Theory Exam 2080 2080/01/19
Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 4th Year and BDS 4th Year 1st Phase Regular Theory Exam 2080 2080/01/15
Routine of MBBS 3rd Phase 5th Year and Final Year Regular Theory Exam 2080 2080/01/14
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