Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No.: 977-01-4510911 | Fax No.: 977-01-4518186

Institutional Review Committee

Institutional Review Committee (IRC) was established in 2004 in the Institute of Medicine as helping hand to Research Department with the objective to do ethical review of the proposals submitted by the faculties and the students within the institute. The Institutional Review Committee (IRC) at Institute of Medicine consists of members from various departments within the Institute. The role of the IRC is to review in advance all research proposals involving human subjects’ data, and to monitor the progress of projects that have been reviewed by the IRC.

The purpose of IRC review is to insure that the rights of human subjects are protected. The IRC is a committee whose primary responsible is to protect the right and welfare of research subjects and to function as a kind of ethics committee focusing on what is right or wrong and on what is desirable or undesirable. Thus the IRC is required to make judgments about individuals and groups ought to do and how they ought to do it.

The Institutional Review Committee of IOM evaluates the ethical aspects of research involving human subject. Hence, the mandate of the IRC is to monitor and review all research conducted by IOM faculty, students and staff that compiles and analyzes data gathered about human subjects. In addition, the IRC reviews research conducted by parties not affiliated with the Institute, but which uses IOM students, faculty or staff as research subjects.

Members of Institutional Review Committee (IRC) of IOM as follows:


1. Prof. Dr. Dwarika Prasad Shrestha Chairman
2. Prof. Dr. Paleswan Joshi Lakhey Member
3. Dr. Rabindra Bhakta Pradhananga Member
4. Dr. Nibha Ojha Member
5. Dr. Manisha Chapagain Member
6. Dr Pankaj Panta Member
7. Ms. Archana Pandey Member
8. Dr. Pranil Man Singh Pradhan Member
9. Dr. Narayan Bahadur Mahotra Member
10. Dr. Enstara Tuladhar Member
11. Prof. Dr. Anil Shrestha Member
12. Dr. Neeti Aryal Member
13. Dr. Saraswati Dhungana Member Secretary

Documents required for submission of research Proposal:

1. Submission Letter
2. Research Proposal
3. Information for Participants Page
4. Consent Form
5. Questionnaire/Pro Forma


IOM-IRC Research Proposal Format 2020

IOM-IRC Consent Form 2020

Research Department, Institutional Review Committee
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Medicine
Maharjgunj, Kathmandu
P.O. Box: 1524, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 0977-01-4413187 Fax: 0977-01-4418186