Faculty of Nursing

In 1972, with the introduction of the New Education System Plan, nursing education became the responsibility of the Institute of Medicine (IoM), Tribhuvan University. The first Nursing school then became an IoM campus and the second one, an extension campus. These campuses ran a three-year nursing certificate programme that remained very much oriented to hospital nursing. Although the curriculum continued to be that to preparing nurses for hospital services.

Iin 1987, following a major review process which extended over a period of several years, a new primary health-care oriented curriculum was introduced. This curriculum intends to meet the health-care needs of the people of Nepal. Therefore, the aim is to produce graduates who have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to provide preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative aspects of care, to individuals, families and community.

The existing two-track post basic BN programme was started in 1968. The decision to start the revised programme was based on having just one nursing programme at the Bachelor level with two tracks/community nursing and hospital nursing. Having two tracks with students taking common one course in areas of teaching, leadership management and research helped to prepare nurses to be flexible and adapt to any area of nursing practice. Since the introduction of the first post-basic programme, 404 nurse have graduated.

The most recent development in nursing education is a programme leading to a master's degree in nursing (MN). The result of a study conducted in 1991 to determine the need for and the feasibility of introducing an MN programme, indicated that with the expansion of health services, there would be a need for more nursing positions requiring higher level dqualifications. The study results also indicated that with the expansion of health services, there would be a need for more nursing positions requiring higher level qualifications. The study results also indicated that 90 percent of the BN graduates surveyed were interested in undertaking study at the masters degree level in Nepal. The curriculum for the MN programme was developed and plans were implemented in April, 1995.